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Prevent infection before it begins and avoid spreading it to others with these easy measures. Wash your hands well. Cover a cough. Wash and bandage all cuts. Do not pick at healing wounds or blemishes, or squeeze pimples. Don't share dishes, glasses, or eating utensils.

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

What are the indications for a knee replacement surgery?

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What if you are no longer able to move or do your everyday activities? This question is worth pondering a thousand times. We seldom take our health lightly and this can result in serious consequences in near future.
Same is true with our knees. As our age increases, our bones also become old and so we can’t expect to have the same energy. Knee related problem is commonly seen in people above the age of 60 and can create a lot of problem for them. All the sports people also don’t have to worry as there a lot of sports injury treatments available in India.

Knee replacement, also called arthroplasty, is a surgical process to correct your knee damaged due to arthritis. Metals and plastic parts are used to cap the ends of a bone that form a knee joint, along with a knee cap. Various types of arthritis can affect the knee joint. Osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease that affects mostly middle-aged and older adults, may cause the breakdown of joint cartilage and adjacent bone in the knees. Rheumatoid arthritis, which causes inflammation of the synovial membrane and results in excessive synovial fluid, can lead to pain and stiffness. One also can choose amongst a wide range of knee surgery hospitals in India.
The basic idea behind knee replacement is to correct the knee and also to provide relief from the pain caused, which can’t be treated otherwise.
Knee replacement is only considered when there is disability in the knee and when there is a lot of pain involved. The most common condition that results in the need for knee replacement surgery is osteoarthritis. There are a lot of options for joint replacement specialists in India.
Any surgery, be it minor or major has its own risks and so does knee replacement surgery.
·         Bleeding
·         Infection
·         Blood clots in the legs or lungs
·         Loosening or wearing out of the prosthesis 
·         Fracture 
·         Continued pain or stiffness 
Sometimes the knee replacement surgery may not work. In that case one has to again go for knee replacement. Nerves or blood vessels in the area of surgery may be injured resulting in weakness and numbness. There also might be some risk related to your health condition, so go and consult a doctor before going for any surgery. Knee replacement surgery in India is quite feasible and affordable,
  Let’s have a look at what happens before the surgery.
·         Before the surgery the doctor will explain the whole procedure to you and in turn you can ask more questions pertaining to the surgery.
·         You will also have to sign a consent form before the surgery. Read the form carefully and make sure everything is clear to you.
·         The doctor will run down a few tests on you like blood tests and complete physical examination.
·         Notify your doctor about any allergy you have.
·         You will be asked to fast for 8 hours before the surgery.
·         Prepare your home well after the surgery as you might have to bring in some changes.
Testimonial | Jordan’s Fahed Sulieman talks about his shoulder treatment at BLK Hospital 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


The spine surgery in India has a major influx towards the treatment of spondolysis which negatively impacts the spine and has adverse effects on the health of the affected person. Usually, the increase of chronological age is the factor which results in the condition of spondolysis. The reports of minimal access spine surgery India which were performed in the last decade point out that for treatment of the condition of spondolysis, the spine surgeon in Indiarecommends surgery which does not involve big incisions (of 6 to 7 inches) and less scarring is caused. The reason surgery of minimal invasive nature is an effective alternative for treatment of spondolysis is that considerably decreases the time required for recovery of the patient to his/ her normal routine follow up. The process of surgery is also recommended by back pain treatment specialist because in many cases, spondolysis was the cause for constant sharp pain which interfered with the health of the patient and hampered their daily lifestyles.
The condition of spondylosis usually affects the cervical spine and particularly the joints and discs which are present in the cervical spine, this impacts the functioning of the neck and it requires immediate medical attention to be treated adeptly. If we the stats of the endoscopic disc surgeries in India which were performed for treating Spondylosis we see that majority of these cases of spondylosis were those of cervical region and they were immensely negating the health of the patient. Even the back pain treatment specialist in India prefer surgery for treating spondylosis be it of the cervical region or the spinal region. As per the advice of a dynamically experienced spine surgeon in India, for any surgery to be successful it should be ensured that the process is performed with the utmost professionalism and the risks of the attached complications should be considerable decreased so that the patient can recover quickly and his/ her return to the normal life is soon enough

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Problems related to infertility have increased over the years. Young married couples are not able to reproduce. This problem can be detected by running down few tests on both the partners. In some cases it’s the female who can’t conceive while in the other cases it’s the male who can’t cause pregnancy.
Male infertility means that the male partner is not able to cause pregnancy i.e. if the no of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality, it will be difficult for the man to cause pregnancy. There are a lot of options for male infertility treatment in India.
Male infertility is a common problem. For about one in 20 men have some kind of fertility problem with low number of sperm in the ejaculation. Symptoms of infertility are not there as such. The ejaculation, intercourse and erections usually happen without any difficulty. Proper medical tests are required to find out if a man is infertile. One can simply visit male infertility and fertility specialist in India and get himself/herself checked.
Male infertility is generally related to the number of sperms produced or sperms transported. Only through medical testing the doctor can decide the real cause of the problem. The basic problem is either the low production of the sperm or the poor quality of the sperm produced.
Some other causes of infertility can be-:
·         Semen is not able to enter the woman’s vagina for fertilization
·         Low levels of hormones made in the pituitary gland
·         Sperm antibodies
Some general symptoms of male infertility-:
·         Problems with sexual function
·         Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area
·         Inability to smell
·         Abnormal breast growth
·         A lower than normal sperm count
Consult a doctor if you have been unable to conceive a child after a year of regular, unprotected intercourse.Couples not being able to produce, is not a very big problem as it doesn’t affect them physically but it does drain them out mentally. What they need is some mental peace and good counselling. This situation can stress them out and can further create problems.
The healthcare provider may use one or more of the tests to assess fertility-:
·         Semen analysis
·         Blood tests
·         Physical examination of the penis, scrotum and prostate
Male infertility is generally treated by conventional methods that include-:
·         Taking medications to help increase sperm production
·         Taking antibiotics to heal an infection
·         Taking hormones to improve hormone imbalance
·         Avoiding taking long hot showers, using hot tubs or saunas
It can also improve by taking clinically proven supplements. Anything that would increase the sperm count will increase the chances to reproduction. Many health food stores offer male fertility supplements. Artificial insemination is an option if the Man’s sperm count is low. In this process, sperm is collected through multiple ejaculations and placed in the female’s uterus or fallopian tubes. This whole process is also called IVF.
IVF is the most common method for treatment and has been successful. There are a lot of procedures in this treatment. One round of IVF costs around Rs 1Lakhs-2Lakhs and generally the first attempt is not fruitful but subsequently it does produce an output.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

What are different types of bariatric surgeries for weight loss?

We all want to stay fit and live a healthy lifestyle. Nobody wants to gain weight and then sweat it out in the gym. Obesity can create a lot of heath related problems and sometimes it becomes quite difficult to shed weight through exercise and dieting.
For people with extreme and excessive obesity bariatric surgery is the only option. The basic principle of bariatric surgery is to restrict food intake and decrease the absorption of food in stomach and intestines. There are a lot of options for weight loss surgery in India, one can choose amongst the best bariatric surgeons in India.
Bariatric surgery is also called weight loss surgery and is performed on people who are obese. The whole process is easy. It is achieved by reducing the size of stomach with a gastric band or through removal of a portion of stomach. Resecting and re-routing the small intestine to a stomach pouch is also another option.
Bariatric surgery may lower deaths rates for patient with severe obesity when coupled with healthy eating and lifestyle changes. There are 2 approaches to bariatric surgery.
1.       Open approach- this involves cutting open the abdomen and then performing the required procedure.
2.       Laparoscopy- this is a less painful procedure in which surgical instruments are guided into the abdomen through small half-inch incisions.
Laparoscopy is better than open approach in many ways as such as-:
·         There is less tissue damage.
·         Early hospital discharge.
·         Less extensive cuts.
·         Fewer post operation cuts.
There is no guarantee that one will remain healthy and fit after the surgery. There are certain rigorous methods that need to be followed.
They are -:
1.       Adhere to a strict and lifelong diet.
2.       Schedule an exercise plan to avoid complications and to avoid putting on weight.
3.       One might even have excess loose or folded skin that requires further surgery.
Laparoscopic bariatric surgery in India is the best possible solution for pain-free surgery. The doctor generally doesn’t suggest surgery directly but there are certain parameters that are kept in mind like the BMI, which is an important judging factor. BMI over 40kg/mor 35kg/mis considered risky and is clearly a sign of obesity.
Changing your eating habits and correcting them well in advance before obesity takes a toll on your heath is very important. Avoid eating processed food and take more and more home cooked meals. It will be great if one starts consuming boiled food with minimal amount of spices.
Bariatric surgery cost in India varies according to different factors. It depends upon the hospital, surgeon and type of bariatric surgery preferred or suggested by the surgeon as per the BMI. It starts from approx Rs 2Lakhs and can go uptoRs 5.5Lakhs.
Here are some risks involved in the surgery.
1.       Internal bleeding
2.       Deep vein thrombosis
3.       Infections
4.       Pulmonary embolism(blood clot in the lungs)
Make sure you are able correct your eating habits in the initial stage of obesity and live a healthy and disease free life.