How to Lose Weight Fast

Here are 10 more tips to lose weight even faster: Eat a high-protein breakfast. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice. Drink water a half hour before meals.

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How Yoga at Home helps beginners? Beginners yoga guide helps to start practice yoga at home with tips and techniques and comfortable place, time wear

Preventing the Spread of Infectious Diseases

Prevent infection before it begins and avoid spreading it to others with these easy measures. Wash your hands well. Cover a cough. Wash and bandage all cuts. Do not pick at healing wounds or blemishes, or squeeze pimples. Don't share dishes, glasses, or eating utensils.

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Staying fit is a great way to improve your mood and overall health. If you find yourself getting bored with your routine

Choosing the Right Diet

The best diet for you is easier to find if you ask yourself these 5 questions first. They reveal the weight loss plan that is most likely to work.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

What is the sign of Kidney failure?

The crucial function of a detoxification is performed by our kidneys and they are present in a pair, located towards the lower spine. They channelize the blood for filtration, the filtered toxins are then removed through the process of urination. The proper performance of healthy kidneys is dedicated for the body to function as per its requirements but there are various reasons which can meddle with the health of the kidneys and lead to life-threatening kidney failure in various cases, states best nephrologists in India.

At times, contact or exposure to certain contaminations or specific prescriptions, certain intense and endless medical ailments, severe cases of dehydration, and kidney injury can disrupt the normal functioning of the kidneys. Basically, as stated by a kidney specialist hospital in India, these factors overburden the work of kidneys and various manifestations are showcased. The conceivable symptoms include a decreased measure of urination, swelling of legs, lower legs, and feet due to the accumulation of liquids,  unexplained shortness of breath, exhaustion, weight, perplexity, seizures, and pain in the chest.

The finely specialized kidney hospital in Delhi India state that often urination problems can lead to kidney failure. A sudden loss of blood flow to kidneys can also prompt kidney failure. As per the reports of best nephrologists in India, heart attack, coronary illness, scarring of the liver, liver failure, dehydration, and hypertension are also provoking factors for kidney failure.

The team of best kidney transplant hospital in Delhi India consider the type of kidney failure, the general well being of the patient, the severity of the case, and effectivity of the treatment before planning the customised solution for a kidney failure. Basically, there are five types of kidney failure which vary from being mild to severe. In acute renal kidney failure, the cause is a lack of proper blood flow to the kidneys and the treatment is performed by ensuring the cause of the decrease in blood flow to the kidneys. If kidney suffers any damage due to mishaps or accidents or any reason for lack of oxygen of the kidney can cause acute intrinsic kidney failure with possible manifestations of grave bleeding, shock, renal blood vessel obstruction, and glomerulonephritis. The condition of chronic prerenal kidney failure is observed when for an extended period of time, the flow of blood to the kidney is not proper which leads to shrinkage of a kidney and their incapacity to perform assigned functions. The observance of intrinsic kidney disease can cause serious damage which often results in chronic intrinsic kidney failure. When the process of urination is hampered and there is a long-term barring for the proper disposal of urine from the body, the pressure on kidneys increases considerably, leading to chronic post renal kidney failure.

The best kidney transplant hospital in Delhi India offers kidney transplant which is the medically accepted treatment for kidney failure. It is a one time process through which the affected person can get to a healthy routine, unlike the regular discrepancies caused by dialysis.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

What is Endoscopic Discectomy?

Endoscopic Discectomy is a minimally invasive procedure opted to remove any kind of herniated disc material from the lower back, legs, mid back and arms. The procedure is one of the most efficient ways of relieving the patient from the excess pain caused by the disc.  Endoscopic Disc Surgeries in India are gaining immense popularity due to its very high success rate and minimal chances of complications. BLK Hospital is your ultimate destination if you are planning to opt for Endoscopic Discectomy. The hospital has a team of the most top notch back treatment specialists in Delhi including the best Spine surgeon in India. The hospital has not only attracted patients from India but from various other countries as well and has been widely acknowledged for its state of art facilities.Spinal disc herniation is a medical term used to define the bulge formed by the soft central portion of the intervertebral disc which comes out of the damaged disc through a  tear in the outer ring. The problem is commonly known as slipped disc and is accompanied by a lot of pain and discomfort. Overweight people are at a higher risk of getting this problem and most of the people opting for Endoscopic Disc Surgeries in India were found to be obese. As per the leading back treatment specialist in Delhi, lifting large and heavy objects is one of the major caused of spinal disc herniation as it puts a lot of strain on the back muscles that leads to slipping of the disc. Although the problem can affect people of any age group but is quiet common in middle aged and older people.
The various symptoms associated with Spinal Disc Herniation include weakness, discomfort and utter pain, experienced while walking, standing for a long time, sitting in the same position, laying down, bending etc. The pain is so chronic that the patient might not even be able to move.

While the traditional surgery required the removal of certain bones and muscles, there is no such problem in case of Endoscopic Discectomy. The surgery is carried out via 2 to 4 small incisions. A very small camera, attached to a tube known as port, is inserted via one of these incisions to carefully monitor the whole procedure. The images from the camera are obtained on a large screen. This enables the surgeons to perform the procedure very efficiently and precisely. Since there are no large cuts involved, the procedure does not have any negative effect on your spine. The procedure hardly takes half hour to 45 minutes. The patient does not require to stay inthe hospital post surgery and is discharged within 2 to 3 hours of the surgery.
The procedure has a very large number of benefits and is high recommended by the best spine surgeon in IndiaSome of the pros of Endoscopic Discectomy are mentioned below:

The procedure is minimally invasive, so the recovery period is very small.
There are no chances of infection prst surgery.
The patient needs not to stay in the hospital unnecessarily.
Spinal mobility is highly preserved.
The procedure involves minimal blood loss and hence can be easily performed on patients suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Heart Transplant: What is the procedure?

Heart being the most important organ in the human body works tireless twenty four hours to pump blood to all the parts of the body so that all the parts of the body can function properly without any failure. Hence taking proper care of the heart becomes a necessity considering the fact that heart diseases have become very common these days and can affect people of all age groups from very young children to aged people. It has been seen that people suffering from diabetes have a higher risk of developing heart diseases. Heart diseases can be of various types and can be cured if treated on time. Sometimes the disease may be treated using medicines however in some cases like end stage heart failure a heart transplant may be needed. Heart transplant is a surgical procedure where in the damaged or diseased heart of the patient is replaced by a healthy heart from a dead person. Human organs transplant in India is gaining immense popularity especially with the advent of the procedure of heart transplant which is one of the greatest achievements in medical history.

A heart transplant is usually recommended to a patient in case of severe coronary heart diseases, end stage heart failures or when other surgical procedures have failed. The major signs of coronary heart disease include shortness of breath especially while exercising, chest pains and blurring of vision. At times the patients have been seen complaining of dizziness and cold sweating. The patients should immediately consult a doctor on noticing any of the symptoms. Top organ transplant hospitals in India recommend considering a number of factors before opting for heart transplant. The health of both the recipient as well as the donor is extremely important. The transplant can only be carried out if the blood group of the donor and the recipient match. The donor should not be suffering from any diseases like cancer, diabetes or any other disease. Heart transplant is a complex procedure and involves three steps. First step includes harvesting of the heart from the donor and in the second step the damaged heart of the recipient is removed. This may be difficult or easy depending upon the health condition of the recipient.

The third and the final step include implanting the healthy heart in the body of the recipient. Organ transplant hospitals in India cater to a lot of patients even from foreign countries owning to the experienced doctors specializing in the field and advanced technology. Other factors contributing to the popularity of heart transplant i n India is the lower cost compared to other countries of the world. Organ transplant surgery cost in India is around ten to thirty lakh. The major advantages of a heart transplant is that it provides a chance of new life for those suffering from end stage heart failures and the survival rate also gets increased. Since a new and healthier heart is transplanted so the functioning of the heart gets improved and the recipient may be able to live a healthier life.

After heart transplant the person is able to perform all the day to day activities easily. However it may certain disadvantages such as the body may not accept the heart of the donor and this may result in infections due to rejection of the donated organ. At time there might be severe complications due to surgery especially for those who are suffering from diabetes. If proper precaution and care is not taken post-transplant, the patient may even face the risk of heart failure once again. Hence consultation with a doctor becomes compulsory before deciding whether to opt for a heart transplant or not.

Friday, August 24, 2018

What is a face transplant? How is it done?

Just like any other country, organ transplantation in India is gaining momentum due to its success in making it possible for victims of facial trauma to live a very normal life. Facial transplantation is a complicated procedure and needs to carried out by a very experienced team of surgeons. The tissue which has been damaged, scarred or burnt are removed and are then replaced using tissues from a very suitable donor. The donor is chosen keeping in mind the blood type, tissue type, size so that the transplant gives successful outputs. The transplant needs to be carried out very carefully so as to prevent any complication such as infections due to rejection, surgical complications, blood clotting, excessive blood loss which can eventually result in the death of the recipient. Also the recipient needs to take anti rejection medicines throughout their life so as to prevent the infection due to rejection. However these medicines can cause a serious damage to the kidneys so a doctor needs to be consulted before opting for any such transplant. BLK Hospital which is the best hospital in India provides the facility of face transplant. 

The facility organ transplantation in India is available at very few hospitals including the best hospital in India i.e BLK Hospital. Face transplantation has provided an option of a new life for those suffering from the face trauma or those suffering from burn injuries. The procedure is a pretty long one accounting for about ten hours and involves a team of experienced doctors who choose a suitable donor whose tissue are used to replace the damaged tissue of the recipient. A lot of factors need to be considered while choosing a donor some of which may include the matching of blood types and the tissue types. Despite the many advantages of face transplant these are a lot of risks involved in the transplant such as infection due to rejection and surgical complications. The recipients of face transplant may be required to take life long anti rejection medicines which may have a bad impact on the kidney and other organs. Hence it becomes necessary to consult the doctors to know about the pros and cons of the face transplant.

Monday, August 20, 2018

What is the approach required in treating Cancer -

The treatment of Cancer depends on various different factors. The growth of abnormal cells is first detected with the help of diagnostic tests. It is to be seen how big or severe the growth and what all treatment methods are there. These methods are then communicated to the patients and then it is up to the patient to decide which one he/she wants to undergo. One of the most important things while taking any step is to consider the stage in which the patient is in. Cancer treatment in India is given accordingly. There are four different stages. These are mentioned below –
Stage 1 – in this stage, cancer is very small and has not spread to other parts.
Stage 2 – The size of the tumor is large but it has not started to invade. In some particular cancers, it may have transferred to surrounding tissues.
Stage 3 – it has started to spread to surrounding tissues and cancer cells are present in the lymph nodes.
Stage 4 – In this stage, the cells are spreading to different parts of the body. It is also known as secondary or metastatic cancer.
In staging process, grading can also be done. It is done to see the similarity of the cancer cell to a normal cell. There is need of staging to see which treatment will be suited to you. The branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis and treatment of different forms of Cancer is known as oncology. Oncology hospitals in India have different treatment options. Some of them are given below –
·         Chemotherapy
It is a type of cancer treatment in India in which drugs are administered to destroy the affected cells. They stop the growth of cancer cells and prevent them from dividing. The main aim of this method is to kill all the cells that are growing rapidly. They are highly powerful and some of the healthy cells are also affected by it.
It can be imparted at different stages. If it is given before any other treatment, then it is known as neoadjuvant therapy. If it is given after the surgery, then it is known as adjuvant therapy. In some conditions like leukemia and lymphoma, it is the only treatment option. It is first seen how far the affected cells have reached.
The main goal of this treatment is to kill all the cancer but if that is not possible then it is given to slow the progress. It is also done to ease off symptoms in later stages.
  Radiation therapy
Oncology hospitals in India use this method by imparting high energy x-rays and other related particles to destroy cancer cells. Radiation oncology hospitals in India use this treatment without harming nearby cells and slowing the growth of the tumor. It may be used as the only treatment or can be used before or after other procedures.
When it is not possible to destroy all of cancer, then it is given to relieve the symptoms. It is known as palliative radiation therapy. Quality of life is taken into consideration. More than 50 percent of people suffering from Cancer receive this treatment modality at least once. One of the most common forms of radiation therapy is external beam.
Large areas of the body are treated with this therapy by delivering radiation from a machine outside the body. Beam of high intensity is created with the help of a machine known as linear accelerator. The exact site of the tumor is targeted without harming the healthy tissue. Other options include IMRT, IGRT, 3D-CRT etc.
·         Surgery
It is the opening of the body with the help of operation. But there can be different aims of this particular cancer treatment in India. It may be done to diagnose cancer, remove some of the tumor, to find out the location of the cancer, if it is affecting the functions of the other parts, to relieve side effects etc.
In some cases, it is not possible to remove the whole tumor from the body. This can cause too much damage to the body. Surgery is done to remove as much tumor as possible. It is known as debulking. Surgery is also an option to restore the body’s function and appearance. It is known as reconstructive surgery. Some of the common examples are breast reconstruction, reconstruction of head and neck area etc.

Why is there need of joint replacement surgery

Musculature system in the body is required for the movement of the body. All the physical work is made possible by this system only. The way we move and how fast the movement can be, is decided by this system. Along with this, form and stability to the body is also given by this. One of the most important components of this system is a joint. It is the connection made between the bones. Different degree of movement is allowed by this system. But there are some diseases and conditions which hamper the working of our joint. In chronic cases, there is need of consulting a joint replacementspecialist in India
Joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which a damaged and painful joint is replaced with the help of an artificial joint known as prosthesis. It is a complex procedure which requires careful planning and guidance from the doctor. After the surgery, you will have to stay for a few days in the hospital until you are in a condition to go home. It is considered as an end procedure and only needed when other conservative methods and procedures are not helping and providing relief. Patients come to India as they get joint replacement at an affordable price.
Lately, India has become a medical hub. People from all over the world come here to get themselves treated for the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Medical tourism for joint replacement is on the rise and more number of patients are coming to India. Hospitals here have a number of low cost joint replacement surgery packages to choose from. 
Arthritis is the biggest reason for opting joint replacement surgery in India. It is a group of different degenerative conditions in which there is inflammation of the joints. This in turn causes stiffness and pain. It is not a single disease. Joint replacement specialists in India provide relief from around 100 different types of arthritis. More than 15 percent of people living with arthritis suffer from chronic pain and in early stages, it is not identified. It is important to have proper diagnosis so that the road ahead can be planned. When there is joint pain, physical movement is mostly affected. Most of the surgeries performed are seen in old age people as joints can become diseased due to wear and tear as we age. Some of the common parts which get affected are knees, hips, shoulders etc.
Hip replacement surgery in India is a surgical procedure in which damaged or worn out hip is removed from the body and replaced with an artificial one. A ball and socket joint is replaced with the help of a metal and ceramic ball. It is inserted into the femur bone. Osteoarthritis is the most common reason to undergo this procedure. An incision is made along the side of the hip and a new implant is attached to the bone. The incision is then closed.
·         Knee replacement
Knee replacement is a surgical procedure in which the damaged weight bearing surfaces of the knee are removed and replaced with artificial joint known as prosthesis. It is the most common joint replacement surgery in India. This procedure is suitable for people who are suffering from complete and severe destruction of the knee.
·         Shoulder replacement
Shoulder replacement is not as common as other types of joint replacement surgeries but needed in getting rid of shoulder joint pain. The damaged parts of the upper arm are replaced with the help of a metal prosthesis. It is done to treat arthritis as well as shoulder fractures in the body.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

What all injuries are treated at Orthopaedic Trauma Centre?

Orthopaedic trauma care is a sub speciality of orthopaedics that aims at providing medical aid and assistance to people suffering from various problems related to bones and joints. The main aim of Orthopaedic Trauma Care is to help orthopaedic patients in the road to recovery and help them to cope with the problem. BLK Hospital has a separate department for Orthopaedic trauma care and is considered as the best Orthopaedic trauma care centre India. The hospital has a team of some of the most efficient orthopedicians and physiotherapist including one of the best joint replacement specialists in India who work together to provide the best possible treatment to the patient. This is the reason why BLK hospital is one of the most trusted names in the field of medicine. Our doctors aim at providing a patient friendly environment and use techniques and equipments based on latest technology. This not only helps to give precise and efficient results but also help to increase the success rate of the treatment that has been undertaken by the patient. 

Accident can happen with anyone and can lead to a number of problems ranging from mild to of the most common orthopaedic problems caused by severe accidents is fracture which may either be simple and isolated or complex and multiple. Some of the fractures are so complicated that it is impossible to treat them easily and we require specialised and well trained doctors to do so. In some cases the bone may be completely damaged and requires the introduction of a special metallic rod inside the patient's body to provide support to the damaged bone. Not all orthopaedic doctors are qualified to perform such complicated surgeries. This is where orthopaedic trauma centers ome in handy. The centers have a well trained staff who can easily treat orthopaedic problems of any degree.
The patient is rushed to the orthopedic trauma care where all the necessary x-rays are conducted and the treatment procedure is started. This is done in a number of steps starting from initial life saving measures. The process starts with the emergency department to which the patient is directly rushed. The doctors and nurses diagnose all the problems and clean up all the open wounds. The various tests conducted involve CT scans, x-rays, MRI and blood tests. One the tests have been evaluated the doctors device out a specific medical protocol and the treatment is initiated. The primary goal of this is to ensure that the person does not have any serious limb injury. In some cases less sever injuries that do not pose a serious threat to the patient may be ignored. Only serious problems are started in this step. The doctors decide wether you need a surgery or not and in case there is a need of a surgery, the patient is handed over to a team of the best Orthopaedic surgeons assisted by well trained and efficient nurses and doctors. Before the surgery, the patient and his family are informed about the adversity of the problem and the various pros and con (if any) of the surgery. The patient is free to share all his doubts with the medical team and they make sure to end all of these doubts. The surgeries are quiet complicated and may take upto several hours. The surgery may also be performed in intervals as it helps to prevent excessive loss of blood at a time.
Once the operation has been conducted successfully the patient is shifted to the intense care unit or ICU where he is kept under observation. Once the patient has gained consciousness the treatment procedure is continued and physiotherapy is started. The physiotherapy helps to speed up the healing process and  increase the success rate of the surgical procedure. All the necessary arrangements are made to ensure the the patient is at ease. The patient requires complete bed rest and hence may experience problem in urinating. To avoid such problems a catheter and urine drainage bag.
The patient might feel some pain initially for which he is given certain  painkillers. Apart for these antibiotics may also be prescribed to nullify any chances of infections in the wound. The diet of the patient is carefully monitored and ecrays may also be taken a number of times after the surgery to ensure that the bones are healing properly and that there is no complication.
Various services provided by the leading orthopaedic trauma care centers include minimally invasive surgical methods for treating fractures, various kinds of treatments for non unions and malunions, pelvis and acetabulum surgery which are extremely complicated, treatment for infections like poliomyelitis, bone replacement, joint replacement, rod and stent placement, bone grafting, bone augmentation,  complex soft tissue reconstruction etc.
After the procedures the patient needs to follow all the instructions given by the doctor and may be dependent on a nurse or caretaker for some time unless the wounds heal completely. The patient and the family members have to remain patient as the recovery period might be long. However it guarantees 100 percent results.

Hence orthopaedic trauma centers have helped a large number of patients in the recent past and still continue to prove treatments to people suffering from all kinds of bone and joint problems. It covers a wide range of simple isolated fractures as well as complicated multiple fractures that can prove to be life threatening or cause permanent physical disability. Infact Orthopaedic problems are responsible for a wide number of disabilities every year. Timely assessment and treatment is very crucial in such cases. The best Orthopaedic trauma carecentre in India not only provides various methods of treatment but also a wide range of physiotherapies to help the patient in his journey to recovery. These centers are open 24/7 and with the help of some of the best orthopedicians and joint replacement specialists in India these have acted as boon from various patients be it children or adults.